Why Video?
We don't really believe in tooting our own horn. But if someone else does it? Totally cool.

About Us
Once upon a time...
...a creative artist type (Emily) met an analytical techy type (Brad) on a blind date set up by their friends. They ate popcorn, played shuffleboard, and fell in love. Fast forward a few years when Brad bought Emily a camera and said "We should start a production company" to which Emily responded "What is a production company?"
Well, the rest is history. And alas, Emily figured out what a production company is. (That's good news for you.)
Really though, we believe strongly that every single couple has a story worthy of telling the world - or at the very least, their children and grandchildren someday. And that's precisely why we do what we do.
Our team has grown since our start in 2018, but we always stay true to that original vision - the importance of telling your stories for years and generations to come.
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Love Stories
A keepsake for decades
to come.
life is one big love story with hundreds of little love stories within it.

A love story, at least a convincing one, requires three elements - the lover, the beloved, and the adventures they have together.
Once in awhile, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale.
Let us tell the story. You just focus on living it.
Our Work
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